New assembly shop for a car factory. GREEN general designer

2022-12-08 12:10
The Hyundai Concern received permission to build a plant in the village of Shushary in St. Petersburg.

We performed the function of a general designer and we faced a complex task in a short time to design a new assembly shop on the territory of an existing enterprise. At the same time, the work involved a complex of engineering surveys and surveys, the development of a project for the reconstruction of industrial buildings located on the territory.

In the course of the work, we managed to optimize the volume of construction and installation work compared to the original plan, obtain all approvals from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rosprirodnadzor, and at the same time significantly reduce the design time: work started at the beginning of this year and by autumn we received a positive expert opinion. BIM-360 tools helped us a lot in optimizing time and resources.

As a result, the Hyundai concern received project documentation and permission to build a production building with an area of 47 thousand square meters. m., and we are the satisfaction from another successfully implemented project.