The RF updated the road construction plan for 2024–2028

2024-01-15 13:17
On#nbsp;January 5, the#nbsp;RF updated the road construction plan for 2024−2028. New version provides for the implementation of#nbsp;380 road construction projects (the original plan of#nbsp;2022 included about 250 projects).

Among the most important projects is#nbsp;the development of#nbsp;transport corridors "Russia", North-South, for which it#nbsp;is#nbsp;planned to#nbsp;continue the M-12 "East" highway, constrruction of#nbsp;bypasses of#nbsp;Makhachkala, Astrakhan, Derbent, Khasavyurt, construction and rehabilitation of#nbsp;several sections of#nbsp;the M-10 highway, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the R-215 highway (Astrakhan#nbsp;— Kochubey#nbsp;— Kizlyar#nbsp;— Makhachkala), works on#nbsp;sections of#nbsp;M-7 "Volga", M-5 "Ural", R-256 "Chuysky Trakt" and A-360 "Lena".

The total project financing will exceed 14 trillion rubles, of#nbsp;which 5.6 trillion are from the federal budget, the rest are from extra-budgetary sources and regional road funds.

Road construction is#nbsp;a#nbsp;driver for the development of#nbsp;not only the construction industry, but also the country’s economy as#nbsp;a#nbsp;whole, since it#nbsp;creates new jobs and also reduces logistics costs and time for transporting goods.

The GREEN Engineering & Consulting team has extensive and successful experience in#nbsp;monitoring the implementation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;number of#nbsp;large road construction projects throughout Russia: M-11 "Moscow#nbsp;— St. Petersburg", M-12 "Moscow#nbsp;— Kazan", Central Ring Road of#nbsp;the Moscow Region, M-4 "Don", M-7 "Volga", bypasses of#nbsp;the cities of#nbsp;Khabarovsk, Barnaul, Aksai, Tolyatti, etc. This allows us#nbsp;to#nbsp;look into the future with confidence and offer our partners the highest quality engineering and consulting services in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;road construction.