Gazprombank will finance the K1 group project on Sakhalin

2024-01-18 16:22
Communal Heat Generation Infrastructure#nbsp;— Sakhalin LLC (part of#nbsp;the K1 group) and Gazprombank signed loan and security documentation for financing a#nbsp;concession project for the creation and operation of#nbsp;heat supply facilities in#nbsp;the Sakhalin region.

The project includes construction of#nbsp;34 new gas boiler houses with a#nbsp;capacity of#nbsp;1.6 to#nbsp;81 MW#nbsp;in#nbsp;cities and towns of#nbsp;the region. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;being implemented under the regional concession mechanism as#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the gasification program approved by#nbsp;the government of#nbsp;the Sakhalin region and Gazprom PJSC.

It#nbsp;is#nbsp;aimed at#nbsp;switch from coal fuel to#nbsp;natural gas to#nbsp;improve the environmental situation and provide centralized heat supply and hot water supply to#nbsp;both apartment and individual residential buildings, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;budgetary and other organizations.

The GREEN Engineering & Consulting team provides services for financial and technical audit, monitoring and construction control of#nbsp;the project implementation.