Sailing in the life of the GREEN Engineering & Consulting team

2023-11-07 09:59
This time we#nbsp;want to#nbsp;dilute our news feed, which is#nbsp;usually full of#nbsp;project events, and tell about hobbies of#nbsp;the GREEN Engineering & Consulting team. For several years now, our company and many employees have been sincerely passionate about yachting!

A#nbsp;hobby that seems romantic at#nbsp;first glance turns out to#nbsp;be a#nbsp;really venturous sport, requiring one to#nbsp;make lightning-fast tactical decisions, apply physical strength, and be#nbsp;ready to#nbsp;withstand harsh weather conditions! Among other things, yachting helps to#nbsp;develop other important skills, such as#nbsp;the ability to#nbsp;work in#nbsp;a#nbsp;team and understand one’s role and tasks.

What do#nbsp;our colleagues think about yachting? Let’s ask them!

Kristina Rudenko, Project Team Coordinator: "Watching yachts before, it#nbsp;seemed like something unavailable and unaсhievable. But thanks to#nbsp;my#nbsp;colleagues, I#nbsp;realized that this is#nbsp;more than possible, the main thing is#nbsp;to#nbsp;begin. As#nbsp;the saying goes, you can look at#nbsp;the water endlessly, but you can look at#nbsp;the water from a#nbsp;yacht for an#nbsp;eternity. This is#nbsp;a#nbsp;special type of#nbsp;meditation!"

Yaroslava Antipova, Head of#nbsp;Department, Technical Consulting: "For me, yachting is#nbsp;an#nbsp;opportunity to#nbsp;feel the drive and excitement of#nbsp;controlling the nature, and also have a#nbsp;great time with my#nbsp;racing girls-team!"

Inna Karpova, Managing Director: "Yachting is#nbsp;an#nbsp;element of#nbsp;nature, speed, freedom, wind in#nbsp;your head, extreme tiredness, sometimes injuries (it's a#nbsp;sport!), overcoming yourself, the opportunity to#nbsp;travel! And this is#nbsp;the coolest team: supportive, helpful, reserved (the guys from GREEN after all)! My#nbsp;team!"

Vladislav Mazurok, Managing Director: "Yachting is#nbsp;a#nbsp;great way to#nbsp;get some air, get away from everything and feel at#nbsp;one with the forces of#nbsp;nature. Wind and wave are amazing elements that give an#nbsp;indescribable feeling of#nbsp;unity with nature, awaken deeply hidden instincts in#nbsp;us#nbsp;and allow us#nbsp;to#nbsp;see how small we#nbsp;are in#nbsp;this very big world and how important it#nbsp;is#nbsp;to be#nbsp;able to#nbsp;notice and admire it"

The 2023 yachting season has come to#nbsp;an#nbsp;end, and we#nbsp;are looking forward to#nbsp;the next opportunity to#nbsp;sail. In#nbsp;the meantime, we#nbsp;will delight you with new interesting events in#nbsp;GREEN!