The GREEN international team has started a new project in the Dushanbe city
2024-05-30 11:22
We#nbsp;are pleased to#nbsp;announce that the GREEN international team has started a#nbsp;new project in#nbsp;the Dushanbe city!
The project aims to#nbsp;strengthen Dushanbe Vodokanal’s wastewater management capacity and involves developing solutions for connecting previously non-sewered areas of#nbsp;Dushanbe to#nbsp;the network, developing guidelines and regulations for optimal operation of#nbsp;the wastewater treatment plant and laboratory, defining a#nbsp;strategy for epidemiological monitoring of#nbsp;wastewater, and training of#nbsp;Vodokanal and laboratory staff.
The project is#nbsp;implemented with funds from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), based in#nbsp;Manila, Philippines.
And it#nbsp;is#nbsp;especially pleasant to#nbsp;mark on#nbsp;the map a#nbsp;new point of#nbsp;GREEN’s presence#nbsp;— the Republic of#nbsp;Tajikistan.