Vitaly Klevtsov, Managing Director of GREEN, took part of the 5th annual industry forum “Construction Management in Russia”

2024-05-30 16:00
On#nbsp;May 23, with the support of#nbsp;the Ministry of#nbsp;Construction of#nbsp;Russia within the framework of#nbsp;the 5th annual industry forum "Construction Management in#nbsp;Russia", the nationwide meeting on#nbsp;the topic "Advancement of#nbsp;the Technical Customer Institution" was held in#nbsp;Moscow. It#nbsp;is a#nbsp;significant event for the discussion of#nbsp;the technical customer role under the ambitious goals of#nbsp;construction development in#nbsp;Russia until 2030. Affiliated with the NOTECH Association, GREEN Company co-arranged the forum.

At#nbsp;the forum, active expert discussions were held, in#nbsp;which various participants of#nbsp;investment and construction projects took part. Representatives of#nbsp;customers, financial institutions, authorities, engineering companies, designers, builders and insurance companies discussed what a#nbsp;present-day technical customer should be#nbsp;like in#nbsp;order to#nbsp;successfully cope with all industry challenges and effectively manage a#nbsp;construction project.

As#nbsp;part of#nbsp;the discussion, Managing Director of#nbsp;GREEN Vitaly Klevtsov raised one of#nbsp;the key issues in#nbsp;construction project management#nbsp;— setting prices for technical customer services. In#nbsp;Vitaly’s opinion, the cost of#nbsp;technical customer services should not depend on#nbsp;the estimated cost of#nbsp;construction. In#nbsp;the structure of#nbsp;the cost of#nbsp;technical customer services about 2/3 are the costs of#nbsp;the project team. Team composition and its qualifications depends on#nbsp;the functions that the team performs for the project and doesn’t always depend on#nbsp;the estimated cost of#nbsp;construction.