Engineering design
Engineering design is a multifaceted activity which involves creative thinking, brings together professional capabilities of every expert and calls for high-quality project management. These factors contribute to successful implementation of projects and their further use.

Our experience shows that each project is unique and thus requires an individualised approach. Our team unites over 60 designers with various specialisations enabling us to implement holistic projects of any complexity and effectively manage document drafting and project value formation.

We use Building Information Modelling (BIM) for each design to build a detailed digital project model prior to construction. BIM saves time, cuts design and construction costs, mitigates the risk of errors and helps to evaluate all facets of the project from the selection of materials to cost management.
    • Pre-project documentation
    • Architectural concept
    • Pre-investment feasibility study
    • Project documentation and work papers
    • Cost estimate documents
    • Engineering justification during an expert check
    • Engineer supervision
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Agro-industrial complex
Real estate
Social infrastructure
Communal infrastructure
Transport infrastructure
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Construction project management
Technical and financial advice